Post-Workshop 1 Questionnaire (Zoom Poll 1)1. Overall, did you enjoy today’s workshop? *1 - No, I absolutely did not enjoy it!23 - I moderately enjoyed it.45 - Yes, I absolutely enjoyed it!1.1 Based on your previous answer, please feel free to explain further if you’d like. If not, simply skip this question.2. For you, how productive was today’s workshop? *1 (Not at all Productive)23 (Moderately Productive)45 (Extremely Productive)2.1 Based on your previous answer, please feel free to explain further if you’d like. If not, simply skip this question.3. For you, what was an important takeaway from today's workshop? Please explain. *4. After today’s workshop, what is your level of understanding about what it means to become present with your data in real-time? *1 (None at all - I don’t understand whatsoever.)23 (Moderately - I somewhat understand.)45 (Extremely - I have a very deep understanding.)4.1 Based on your previous answer, please feel free to explain further if you’d like. If not, simply skip this question.5. After today’s workshop, what is your level of understanding about the nature of phygital environments? *1 (None at all - I don’t understand whatsoever.)23 (Moderately - I somewhat understand.)45 (Extremely - I have a very deep understanding.)5.1 Based on your previous answer, please feel free to explain further if you’d like. If not, simply skip this question.6. After today’s workshop, what is your level of understanding about the relationship among the Meta-Layer, Metaweb, and Data Sovereignty? *1 (None at all - I don’t understand whatsoever.)23 (Moderately - I somewhat understand.)45 (Extremely - I have a very deep understanding.)6.1 Based on your previous answer, please feel free to explain further if you’d like. If not, simply skip this question.7. After today’s workshop, what is your level of understanding about the ways that context is constantly shifting in a data-driven world? *1 (None at all - I don’t understand whatsoever.)23 (Moderately - I somewhat understand.)45 (Extremely - I have a very deep understanding.)7.1 Based on your previous answer, please feel free to explain further if you’d like. If not, simply skip this question.8. How confident are you in applying what you learned in today’s workshop to your personal or professional life? *1 (Not at all Confident)23 (Moderately Confident)45 (Extremely Confident)8.1 Based on your previous answer, please feel free to explain further if you’d like. If not, simply skip this question.9. After today’s workshop, do you now perceive or recognize yourself as a producer—and not just a consumer—of valuable data? *1 (Not at all - I do not perceive or recognize myself as a producer of valuable data.)23 (Moderately - I somewhat perceive or recognize myself as a producer of valuable data.)45 (Extremely - I absolutely perceive or recognize myself as a producer of valuable data.)9.1 Based on your previous answer, please feel free to explain further if you’d like. If not, simply skip this question.10. After today’s workshop, overall, how much has your perception and understanding of “data sovereignty” shifted? *1 (Not at all - My perception and understanding of “data sovereignty” has not shifted whatsoever.)23 (Moderately - My perception and understanding of “data sovereignty” has somewhat shifted.)45 (Extremely - My perception and understanding of “data sovereignty” has significantly shifted.)10.1 Based on your previous answer, please feel free to explain further if you’d like. If not, simply skip this question.11. After today’s workshop, how likely are you to attend the upcoming Workshop 2 and/or 3? (Scale: 1-5) *1 (Not at all Likely.)23 (Moderately Likely.)45 (Extremely Likely.)11.1 Based on your previous answer, please feel free to explain further if you’d like. If not, simply skip this question.12. Workshop Content-Based Question: Do you have any clarifying questions about the content in today’s workshop? (Open-Ended)13. Programmatic Question: Is there anything else you would like to share at this time (e.g. feedback, questions, suggestions, concerns, excitements, etc.)? (Open-Ended)14. As part of this event, UMi acknowledges all participants as Individuals (a living being), however, we would like to know are you representing any Entities (public or private enterprises) at today’s workshop? If so, please mark all that apply? *Non-Profit EntityFor-Profit EntityInstitutional EntityPhilanthropic EntityGovernmental EntityNone15. Contact Question: If you do not have the energy to add nuance to your responses today and you skipped the written response questions, that is okay. Please share your email/phone number if it's acceptable for us to reach out to you and follow-up with a quick phone or Zoom call to hear you out on remaining thoughts and questions from this workshop. *Submit