In Partnership with Introduction to Data Sovereignty Workshop Series Event Format Zoom Webinar (Register for Join Link) Event Date and Times 1-2:30pm (EST) on 11/6, 11/13, and 11/20 REGISTER WORKSHOP 3 | (11/20) Fundamentals of Data Sovereignty III | DATA STEWARDSHIP DS Workshop 1 Registration | (11/6)First Name, Last Name *Email Address *As part of this event, UMi acknowledges all participants as Individuals (a living being), however, we would like to know will you also be representing any Entities (public or private enterprises)? If so, please mark all that apply? *IndividualNon-Profit EntityFor-Profit EntityInstitutional EntityPhilanthropic EntityGovernment EntityHow did you hear about this event? *UMi Economy WebsiteThe Forbes FundsOperation HOPEEmail InviteLinkedInInstagramWord of mouthOtherPlease specify where you heard about this event.Would you like to be part of the upcoming UMi-Versity listserv to receive updates on the latest Data Sovereignty events, newsletters, research, education, training, technological best-practices, future grant opportunities, and more? *Yes, please add my email to the listserv.No thank you, I would not like my email to be added to the listserv.There will be future opportunities to earn phygital badges, artifacts, and assets by participating in this workshop and the broader UMi Economy, would you be interested in learning more? *YesNoIn order to make our UMi-Versity “Intro to DS Workshop Series” curriculum accessible to the public, this workshop is a recorded Zoom Webinar. Do you consent to attending or participating in this recorded event? *Yes, I do consent to attending or participating in this recorded event.No, I do not consent to attending or participating in this recorded event. Submit